[Tex/LaTex] Changing the chapter heading size in quotchap


I am using the quotchap package to format chapter headings in a document. Is it possible to change the default font size for the chapter headings? For example, in the document.tex file at the above URL, what would need to be changed to make the title smaller?

I could of course just use

\chapter{\small Quote to be quoted}

but this messes up things like tables of contents and running headers, and the font size applies to those too.

Thanks for any help!

Best Answer

quotchap uses this command to specify the size of the chapter heading:


In your document, after loading quotchap, you could to the same but with another font size command, for instance:


You have to write \makeatletter ... \makeatother around the command to be able to use the @ sign in the command name.

If you would like to adjust more than just the size: quotchap calls a macro \sectfont that may be redefined to switch to a certain font family, shape or weight. For instance, regarding Levs answer concerning a condensed version, using condensed Helvetica could be done by

\usepackage{helvet}% if desired

\sectfont is used automatically for all quotchap chapter headings.