[Tex/LaTex] Change KOMA Script Chapter Heading Font Size locally


Is there a way to change the size of a KOMA Script class locally, in my case for the Appendix? I use the packet option headings=small and would like to make the chapter headings of my Appendix even smaller if possible.


Best Answer

1. Smaller fontsize in headings only

Just use \addtokomafont{chapter}{\small} after you start the appendix-part by using the command \appendix:



\blindtext \blindtext


\addtokomafont{chapter}{\small} %% Here it goes

\blindtext \blindtext

\blindtext \blindtext



enter image description here


enter image description here

2. Smaller fontsize in headings and text

If you want all text in appendices to be set in a smaller fontsize, and adjust all spacing accordingly use the \KOMAoption{fontsize=size} at the same place:



\blindtext \blindtext


\KOMAoption{fontsize=9pt}       %% Smaller everything

\blindtext \blindtext

\blindtext \blindtext



enter image description here