[Tex/LaTex] Changing all the integral symbols from the MnSymbol package, or how to get full math support with Garamond Premier Pro in XeLaTeX


I'm editing a document in which I chose the Adobe Garamond Premier Pro font as the main font.

The only free math font I found that fits with the AGPPro so far is the one from the MnSymbol package.

Only problem is that I hate the integral symbols from the MnSymbol package.

enter image description here

So instead I would like to use the integral symbols from the lmodern package or the ones from the XITS font :

enter image description here

I only want to change the integral symbols, but all of them as I find nothing wrong with the other large symbols from the MnSymbol… (for now).

Here's a MWE for my setup (compiled using XeLaTeX) :

\setmainfont[Ligatures=TeX]{Garamond Premier Pro}
\setmathfont[range=\mathup/{num,latin,Latin,greek,Greek}]{Minion Pro}

IMHO, integrals from the MnSymbols look like simple hooks...

\mathscr J = \int_0^\pi{\ddot q(t)}\,\mathrm dt

\iint_0^{\sqrt \pi}{5}\,\mathrm dt

Best Answer


Seems like I found a better alternative for the math font to fit the main font (something I didn't know was available).

I followed this procedure from another question in this forum (works if you're on a Mac or Linux I guess). This made available a Garamond math font via the \usepackage[urw-garamond]{mathdesign}. This way, even if the Garamond employed is not exactly the same as AGPPro, the math fits in beautifully.

\setmainfont[Ligatures=TeX]{Garamond Premier Pro}
Imho, MnSymbol integral symbols look like simple hooks.
\mathscr J = \int_0^\pi{\ddot q(t)}\,\mathrm dt
\iint_0^{\sqrt \pi}{5}\,\mathrm dt

\textsc{Petites Capitales}

\textit{\textsc{Petites Capitales Italiques}}

ffi ffl fft

NOTE Be careful to load the URW-Garamond before the fontspec package and the \setmainfont command if you wish to keep AGPPro's features (Swashes, Small Italic Caps and stuff).

enter image description here

Another alternative consists in loading the mathpazo package : \usepackage{mathpazo}, it uses a font similar to the one used by MnSymbol but with different integral symbols. In fact it uses the Palatino font. What's more, one can define whatever main font desired without interference (when compiled with XeLaTeX).

enter image description here

\setmainfont[Ligatures=TeX]{Garamond Premier Pro}
Imho, MnSymbol integral symbols look like simple hooks.
\mathscr J = \int_0^\pi{\ddot q(t)}\,\mathrm dt
\iint_0^{\sqrt \pi}{5}\,\mathrm dt
\textsc{Petites Capitales}
\textit{\textsc{Petites Capitales Italiques}}


This is just an alternative because the mathpazo loads the Palatino font math operators, which are not exactly the same as the MnSymbol ones...