[Tex/LaTex] Using MinionPro for math and ArnoPro for text


As the title says, I want to use ArnoPro as my main font for text while using MinionPro for all math (inline or display).

What I did for ArnoPro was since I have Windows on my laptop as well as Linux Mint (which is what I'm using now and for LaTeX), I followed the instructions here and installed the Arno Pro fonts from my Windows Adobe into Linux. I now have the following as my minimal example (I hope it is minimal enough); note the HUGE preamble:

% If I want to use MinionPro instead of ArnoPro, 
% I simply comment out all packages below this.

%\defaultfontfeatures{Mapping=tex-text, Numbers=OldStyle}
%   {Size={-10}, Font=*Caption},
%   {Size={10-13.0}, Font=*},
%   {Size={13.01-19.9}, Font=*Subhead, Ligatures=Rare, Contextuals={Swash,Alternate}},
%   {Size={19.91-},Font=*Display, Ligatures=Rare, Contextuals={Swash,Alternate}}},
%]{Arno Pro} %

I am \textbf{attempting} \textit{some} math:
\[\oint\vec{\text{E}}\cdot d\boldsymbol{\ell}=0\] 
Again, some more: $\vec{\nabla}\times\vec{E}=0$
\paragraph{Example:} One more:
\bigintss\left(\frac{x^2}{x^{\frac{1}{2}}}-\frac{2x}{x^{\frac{1}{2}}}+\frac{1}{x^{\frac{1}{2}}}\right) dx&=&0

The following picture is the result of MinionPro (running luatex in the terminal):

While this is the result of ArnoPro (running xelatex in the terminal):

Note how the ArnoPro text for some reason looks a bit.. choppy, compared to MinionPro, for some reason when I run (for ArnoPro) xelatex doc.tex in the terminal it turns out like this (i.e. the top parts of e and o letters, among others, are missing). But when I look at other documents created with ArnoPro, this isn't the case and it looks fine! That's another issue I'm concerned with.

Apart from that issue, you can see why I would want MinionPro for math as ArnoPro math doesn't have much support. I could use MnSymbol for ArnoPro but the integrals and some other symbols just look terrible, and I think the letters in MinionPro are better suited for math purposes at least, so I'd prefer simply having MinionPro for math and ArnoPro for text. How can I do so?

Also, does MinionPro have enough symbols for higher-level math and physics (i.e. graduate level of study) as other packages like amsmath do; if not, what are your suggestions for other packages so it blends in well with ArnoPro text like MinionPro math symbols do? I'm entering 4th year of my undergrad and I'd just rather have these worries dealt with now rather than later.

I have quite a few other questions but I feel it would be way too long to add here, so I should probably save those for another time.

Best Answer

Thanks to Manuel I have my answer: Fiddling around with his simple suggestion, I ended up using lualatex for the following code:

Numbers={Proportional}]{Arno Pro}

I am \textbf{attempting} \textit{some} math:
\[\oint\vec{\text{E}}\cdot d\boldsymbol{\ell}=0\] 
Again, some more: $\vec{\nabla}\times\vec{E}=0$
\paragraph{Example:} One more:
\bigintss\left(\frac{x^2}{x^{\frac{1}{2}}}-\frac{2x}{x^{\frac{1}{2}}}+\frac{1}{x^{\frac{1}{2}}}\right) dx&=&0

This produces: enter image description here

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