[Tex/LaTex] Change the font size of the equation in latex


How can i change the font size of both equation individually?

 % Change the font size
r_j &= 2 \\ 
&\quad + 4
% Change the font size 
r_j = 2 + 4

I try \scalebox but i got some error. I try :

r_j &= 2 \\ 
&\quad + 4
r_j = 2 + 4}

Best Answer

Some comments

  • The second argument of \scalebox is in text mode by default. To treat it as math material, you need to surround the math material with $ symbols.

  • You can't have a split environment inside a scalebox. However, an aligned environment works.

  • The eqnarray environment is badly deprecated. Don't use it!! Instead, use either align or gather. In the code below, I use a gather environment as no alignment appears to be performed in your eqnarray-based example.

enter image description here

\usepackage{amsmath}  % for "gather" and "aligned" environments
\usepackage{graphicx} % for "\scalebox" macro
    r_j &= 2 \\ 
        &\quad + 4
   \end{aligned}$} \\
   r_j = 2 + 4$}