[Tex/LaTex] Change reference frame titles in Beamer


The file prop.tex contains the following:



\setbeamertemplate{bibliography entry title}{}
\setbeamertemplate{bibliography entry location}{}
\setbeamertemplate{bibliography entry note}{}


\frame{\frametitle{The Title}
Qsddhksh  ksjdhfkhs kdjfhkjshf kshjdkfjhs kjdhf~\parencite{aaa01,ccc02}.
Tskdjfskj k hksdhfkjhk~\parencite{ggg08} jsdk hkshjdkfjh skhj kjsdhf
jkhskdhfkhsjkd kjshdkfjh~\parencite{bbb03,ddd04,eee12}.


And the file prop_ref.bib contains the following:

author = "B C Aaaa and F E Dddd",
title = "This is really the title, yes, this is the title, the title, the title, the title, the title, the title, the title, the title, the title",
year = "2001",
volume = "10",
pages = "100-120",
journal = "Some Journal"

author = "G H Cccdddfff",
title = "This is another long title and you call this a long title? Maybe it is not really long",
year = "2002",
volume = "130",
pages = "150-162",
journal = "Some Other Journal"

author = "A S Bbbbbbbb and W Q Rrrrr and G H Cccccc",
title = "This is another long title but it is really longer than usual, but maybe, just maybe, it might have been shorter, really shorter",
year = "2003",
volume = "55",
pages = "250-272",
journal = "The Old Journal"

author = "R D Dddddddddggg",
title = "This is another short title that should have been shorter if I had not made it longer",
year = "2004",
volume = "12",
pages = "160-172",
journal = "Nobody's Journal"

author = "R F Eeeeerrr",
title = "I wonder what the title of this article issss sssssssss sssssssssss ssssssssss ssssss ss sssss sssss ssssssssssssssss ssss ssss sssssssss sss ssssssss",
year = "2012",
volume = "12",
pages = "160-172",
journal = "The Journal Journal"

author = "M M GggDddddxxxddddggg",
title = "Ohhhh Wooooo Ooooooooooooooo Wooooooooooo Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
year = "2008",
volume = "124",
pages = "190-212",
journal = "What A Journal"

When I generate the pdf file, the reference frames have the headers References I and References II.

Is it possible to change these to References and References (continued)?

Best Answer

According to II 8.1, the beamer template frametitle continuation stores the text inserted at the end of the title of a breakable frame. In your case the predefined option from second is applicable.


\setbeamertemplate{frametitle continuation}[from second]

\setbeamertemplate{frametitle continuation}[from second][(continued)]


As you could see, if no second argument provided, beamer typesets (cont.) by default.

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