[Tex/LaTex] Change Page Size Mid-Document: Fancy Header and Footer Horizontal Width


When changing the paper size within a document, the fancyhdr package does not recognize the alteration of the layout width.

This page details how to change page size mid-document.
An answer has been given which uses \pdfpagewidth.
An answer has been given which uses \KOMAoptions.
Neither solves fancyhdr horizontal justification.




% Margin Settings:
\geometry{vmargin    = 0.50in,
          hmargin    = 0.50in,
          headheight = 0.50in,
          headsep    = 0.15in,
          footskip   = 0.60in}

%Initialize headers and footers
\fancyhf{}                           % Clears out artifacts from default header
\fancyfoot[R]{ Page \thepage}        % Begin footer page number
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt}   % Removes default horizontal line

{\Huge \textbf{Original}}

\newgeometry{layoutwidth  = 04.25in,
             layoutheight = 11.00in}
\pdfpagewidth  = 04.25in 
\pdfpageheight = 11.00in

\newgeometry{layoutwidth  = 04.25in,
             layoutheight = 11.00in, 
             vmargin      = 00.50in, 
             hmargin      = 00.50in,
             headheight   = 00.50in,
             headsep      = 00.15in,
             footskip     = 00.60in}
\pdfpagewidth  = 04.25in 
\pdfpageheight = 11.00in

\newgeometry{layoutwidth  = 11.00in,
             layoutheight = 04.25in,
             vmargin      = 00.50in, 
             hmargin      = 00.50in,
             headheight   = 00.50in,
             headsep      = 00.15in,
             footskip     = 00.60in}
\pdfpagewidth  = 11.00in 
\pdfpageheight = 04.25in

\newgeometry{layoutwidth  = 17.00in,
             layoutheight = 11.00in,
             vmargin      = 00.50in, 
             hmargin      = 00.50in,
             headheight   = 00.50in,
             headsep      = 00.15in,
             footskip     = 00.60in}
\pdfpagewidth  = 17.00in
\pdfpageheight = 11.00in

\newgeometry{layoutwidth  = 08.50in,
             layoutheight = 11.00in,
             vmargin      = 00.50in, 
             hmargin      = 00.50in,
             headheight   = 00.50in,
             headsep      = 00.15in,
             footskip     = 00.60in}
\pdfpagewidth  = 08.50in 
\pdfpageheight = 11.00in
{\Huge \textbf{Original}}


\newgeometry{layoutwidth  = 17.00in,
             layoutheight = 11.00in,
             vmargin      = 00.50in, 
             hmargin      = 00.50in,
             headheight   = 00.50in,
             headsep      = 00.15in,
             footskip     = 00.60in}


Also: Can a user create and append a mid-document tag?
I feel that some users receive preamble advice when seeking in-document advice.

Best Answer

I would replace fancyhdr and use the package that is developed to work with KOMA-classes (and standard classes), called scrlayer-scrpage. The package officially replaced the older scrpage2 last year. Currently, the author of KOMA-script adds functionality regularly, so a fairly up to date distribution is recommenden.



% Margin Settings:
\geometry{vmargin    = 0.50in,
    hmargin    = 0.50in,
    headheight = 0.50in,
    headsep    = 0.15in,
footskip   = 0.60in}


{\Huge \textbf{Original}}\par

\newgeometry{layoutwidth  = 04.25in,
layoutheight = 11.00in}
\pdfpagewidth  = 04.25in 
\pdfpageheight = 11.00in

\newgeometry{layoutwidth  = 04.25in,
    layoutheight = 11.00in, 
    vmargin      = 00.50in, 
    hmargin      = 00.50in,
    headheight   = 00.50in,
    headsep      = 00.15in,
footskip     = 00.60in}
\pdfpagewidth  = 04.25in 
\pdfpageheight = 11.00in

\newgeometry{layoutwidth  = 11.00in,
    layoutheight = 04.25in,
    vmargin      = 00.50in, 
    hmargin      = 00.50in,
    headheight   = 00.50in,
    headsep      = 00.15in,
footskip     = 00.60in}
\pdfpagewidth  = 11.00in 
\pdfpageheight = 04.25in

\newgeometry{layoutwidth  = 17.00in,
    layoutheight = 11.00in,
    vmargin      = 00.50in, 
    hmargin      = 00.50in,
    headheight   = 00.50in,
    headsep      = 00.15in,
footskip     = 00.60in}
\pdfpagewidth  = 17.00in
\pdfpageheight = 11.00in

\newgeometry{layoutwidth  = 08.50in,
    layoutheight = 11.00in,
    vmargin      = 00.50in, 
    hmargin      = 00.50in,
    headheight   = 00.50in,
    headsep      = 00.15in,
footskip     = 00.60in}
\pdfpagewidth  = 08.50in 
\pdfpageheight = 11.00in
{\Huge \textbf{Original}}


\newgeometry{layoutwidth  = 17.00in,
    layoutheight = 11.00in,
    vmargin      = 00.50in, 
    hmargin      = 00.50in,
    headheight   = 00.50in,
    headsep      = 00.15in,
footskip     = 00.60in}


As you can see, the header are where they are supposed to be.