Chapter Heading Style – Changing Chapter Heading and Inserting Line at Top of Pages


I'm using this preamble:


My problem is that I do not have enough time to completely redo the layout of the hole report, but I would like to fix to things.

  1. How do I remove "Chapter" heading and replace it with \chapter{THIS}. Like:

    1 Introduction
    text text text text text text text text text

    instead of:

    Chapter 1
    text text text text text text text text text

    Also, I need the "new" heading to be placed at the "Chapter" position.

  2. How do i make a line at the top of the pages telling which "chapter" you're in. (not in the appendices though)

Best Answer

Both requirements can be achieved with the help of the titlesec package (make the necessary adjustments to suit your needs):

\usepackage{lipsum}% just to generate filler text


  \sethead{\thechapter\  \chaptertitle}{}{}


\chapter{Test chapter}
\section{Test section}


You can use \pagestyle{plain} in the body of your document, just before the appendices, to restore the plain page style.

EDIT: the pdftex option shouldn't be gived (modern LaTeX systems automatically detect the driver used). Also, the 10pt option is used by default, so you could safely write
