[Tex/LaTex] Bug in swedish-babel


When I use the Swedish babel package, the header on the even sides of the table of contents is written "INNEHåLL" (note the lower-case å which should be an Å). If I use the English version, it correctly says CONTENTS. Is this a bug?

I don't have a minimal example for this as it requires at least a page worth of chapters for the contents but here is a screenshot:enter image description here

Edit: If I use the book class I can get an empty page with this behavior. I managed to strip down all packages I'm using and it appears that the issue is caused by the fontspec package:


Edit 2: I changed now to polyglossia. Here is my current preamble. The commented packages are probably the ones giving me trouble:

%!TEX TS-program = XeLaTeX
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode







\setmainfont{PT Sans}
\setmonofont[AutoFakeBold=1.4, AutoFakeSlant=0.2]{Inconsolata}




Edit 3 My solution so far was the following (can't self-answer yet):

1) Changed babel to polyglossia.

2) Deleted fontspec (included by polyglossia) and amssymb (incompatible with polyglossia).

3) Changed listingsutf8 to listings and now using unicode-math

Best Answer

Check if you use \uppercase somewhere and replace it by \MakeUppercase. This is a usual weakness of \uppercase, it doesn't show effect on macros in its argument. Compare:

\uppercase{Inneh\aa ll}

\MakeUppercase{Inneh\aa ll}

MakeUppercase example

That's not a bug in babel. It can be a weakness in your code, as above, in a package or in the way you are using a package for the headers.

It works as expected for example with the default headings pages style:

% repeat chapters and sections many times to get a TOC longer than a page

headings example

It works also if you use fancyhdr and fancy page style:

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