[Tex/LaTex] Brackets around matrices in TikZ


I'm writing a custom package for labeled matrices using TikZ. I noticed an inconsistency in TikZ. This is best illustrated with the following MWE:



\matrix (m) [draw=white!80!black, 
         left delimiter=[,right delimiter={]}, matrix of math nodes] 
         { 1 & 1 \\ };
\matrix (m) [draw=white!80!black,
         left delimiter=[,right delimiter={]}, matrix of math nodes] 
         { 1 & 1 \\ 2 & 2 \\ };
\matrix (m) [draw=white!80!black, 
         left delimiter=[,right delimiter={]}, matrix of math nodes] 
         { 1 & 1 \\ 2 & 2 \\ 3 & 3 \\ };


Surprisingly (to me at least), this is rendered as follows:

enter image description here

Clearly, the braces for the single-line matrix are aligned differently from the multi-line matrix. I'd expect the braces to be slightly smaller than the grey box in all cases.

Why is this and, more importantly, how do I remedy this?

UPDATE 1: Following @percusse's comment below, the remedy seems to be to add outer sep=0pt to the options of each matrix. Now I run into the next problem: I want to control the amount of space between rows. When adding row sep=0.1em to each matrix (in addition to outer sep=0pt), this is, again surprisingly, rendered as:

enter image description here

Best Answer

I found the problem after hints from @percusse . The reason for the problem is that TeX performs some kind of rounding on the height of the delimiters. This is illustrated by the following code:

$\left[\vcenter{\vbox to 33pt {}}\right]$
$\left[\vcenter{\vbox to 34pt {}}\right]$
$\left[\vcenter{\vbox to 35pt {}}\right]$
$\left[\vcenter{\vbox to 36pt {}}\right]$
$\left[\vcenter{\vbox to 37pt {}}\right]$
$\left[\vcenter{\vbox to 38pt {}}\right]$
$\left[\vcenter{\vbox to 39pt {}}\right]$
$\left[\vcenter{\vbox to 40pt {}}\right]$

which is rendered as follows:

enter image description here

The offending code in PGF is in the file


the following macro is defined:

    node[outer sep=0pt,inner sep=0pt,draw=none,draw=none,fill=none,anchor=#1,at=(\tikz@last@fig@name.#2),#3]
      $\left#6\vcenter{\hrule height .5#8 depth .5#8 width0pt}\right#7$%

The first line inside the body of the node calculates the desired height of the delimiter. The second line creates a math environment with left and right delimiters, with the inner body (\vcenter{\hrule height .5#8 depth .5#8 width0pt}) being an empty box of the desired height. However, the delimiters placed around this box are not of the correct size. So: in order to draw the brackets properly, I guess we should resort to using TikZ to draw the brackets (i.e., draw the lines "manually"), instead of letting TeX do the work.

But perhaps a better approach is to scale the TeX-generated brackets slightly to match the correct size. Martin Scharrer already implemented this. His code can be found in: Correct delimiter height in TikZ