[Tex/LaTex] Box with rounder corners, but inverted


I am a long time LaTeX user, and recently I needed something which I could not figure out by myself, so I would appreciate anyones time and help.

I need a box with rounded corners, which is easy to do – for example, this thread shows how:
How to draw frame with rounded corners around box

and I used the mdframed environment to do it. However, now I want to invert the rounded corners, so that the centre of the circle lies in the corner of the box. Actually, what I am trying to achieve is this:

enter image description here

But I don't know how to do it, so I would like to ask for your help.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

The lines of code could have been reduced but here it is using tcolorbox:



  %width=\linewidth/2, Change the width 
  left=20pt, % left space between content text and box
  frame code={%
    \draw[line width = 2pt,color = blue!30] ($(frame.south west) +(-4pt,-4pt)$) rectangle ($(frame.north east)+(4pt,4pt)$); %% outer rectangle
    \clip (frame.south west) rectangle (frame.north east);
    \draw[line width = 2pt,color=red!75!black,fill = white] (frame.south west) circle (25pt);
    \draw[line width = 2pt,color=red!75!black,fill = white] (frame.north west) circle (25pt);
    \draw[line width = 2pt,color=red!75!black,fill = white] (frame.north east) circle (25pt);
    \draw[line width = 2pt,color=red!75!black,fill = white] (frame.south east) circle (25pt);
      \draw[line width = 4pt,color=red!75!black]
           ($(frame.south west) +(0pt,24pt)$) -- ($(frame.north west)+(0pt,-24pt)$)  ; %% west
      \draw[line width = 4pt,color=red!75!black]
           ($(frame.north west) +(24pt,0pt)$) -- ($(frame.north east)+(-24pt,0pt)$)  ; %% north
      \draw[line width = 4pt,color=red!75!black]
           ($(frame.north east) +(0pt,-24pt)$) -- ($(frame.south east)+(0pt,24pt)$)  ; %% east
      \draw[line width = 4pt,color=red!75!black]
           ($(frame.south west) +(24pt,0pt)$) -- ($(frame.south east)+(-24pt,0pt)$)  ; %% south      




enter image description here