[Tex/LaTex] mdframed with tikz-framework: roundcorner-keyword seem not to work completely


I got a similar problem to How to draw frame with rounded corners around box

I try to make round boxex for a poster presentation, I could nearly succeed using mdframed-package with tikz-option. But the innerline is almost not rounded and I can't see the reason why. Some small example-code:



\tikzset{contour/.style = {rounded corners = 2ex}}

\definecolor{posterbackground}{RGB}{255,245,225}    %beige
%\definecolor{blockborder}{RGB}{0,128,0}    %green
%\definecolor{blockborder}{RGB}{0,0,0}      %black
\definecolor{blockborder}{RGB}{235,235,235} %light grey

{innerlinewidth=0.1em, innerlinecolor=black, middlelinewidth=1.0em, middlelinecolor=blockborder, outerlinewidth=0.1em, outerlinecolor=black, frametitlerule=false, innertopmargin=\topskip, backgroundcolor=posterbackground, roundcorner=0.5em}
%{outerlinecolor=blockborder, outerlinewidth=10pt, innerlinewidth=5pt, backgroundcolor=posterbackground, roundcorner=50pt}
{\colorlet{currentcolor}{.} \fboxrule0.2em\fboxsep1.0em \begin{textblock*}{#2}(#3,#4) \begin{mdframed}[style=frameborderstyle, frametitle=#1]}
{\end{mdframed} \end{textblock*} \vspace{2.0ex}}

  this is written in a textpos-frame this is written in a textpos-frame this is written in a textpos-frame this is written in a textpos-frame this is written in a textpos-frame this is written in a textpos-frame this is written in a textpos-frame this is written in a textpos-frame this is written in a textpos-frame this is written in a textpos-frame this is written in a textpos-frame this is written in a textpos-frame this is written in a textpos-frame this is written in a textpos-frame

inner corners stay edged even after using of roundcorner-keyword

What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

You have to understand the calculation of the arc by TikZ. This is important because mdframed has no extra modification for the inner arc. Of course I can implement it.

Let's take the following mwe:



 \draw[line width=2ex,rounded corners = 1ex] (0,0) rectangle (7,4);

The line width is 2ex and the arc is 1ex. The result is:

As you can see the inner arc isn't there. If you you increase rounded corners greater than 2ex you will get:


 \draw[line width=2ex,rounded corners = 3ex] (0,0) rectangle (7,4);

Related to your example: Your are using innerlinewidth=0.1em, middlelinewidth=1.0em and outerlinewidth=0.1em which leads to the width 1.2em. On the other hand you are specifying roundcorner=0.5em. As explained 0.5em is too small.

So you can either use a greater dimension for roundcorner or you redefine some internal commands to specify an inner arc.

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