[Tex/LaTex] bmatrix in beamer not working


I'm unable to use the flags to center the column and add a dashed vertical line in the bmatrix environment. This code was working on another LaTeX file but somehow I can't make it work with beamer:

\documentclass[xcolor=dvipsnames, fleqn]{beamer}

\usepackage{arydshln} % for cdashline


 \phantom{+}1 & -1 & \phantom{+}1 \\ \cdashline{1-3}
 -1 & \phantom{+}1 & -1 \\ 
 \phantom{+}1 & -1 & 1 \\


By following a suggestion to show a MWE where it DOES work, I found the problem. In the preamble there's a new command that's created, but I don't understand what it's doing.

\usepackage{arydshln} % for cdashline

% choose the typewriter font used in algorithms
  \renewcommand*\env@matrix[1][*\c@MaxMatrixCols c]{%
    \hskip -\arraycolsep


 \phantom{+}1 & -1 & \phantom{+}1 \\ \cdashline{1-3}
 -1 & \phantom{+}1 & -1 \\ 
 \phantom{+}1 & -1 & 1 \\


Best Answer

arydshln doesn't mention bmatrix environment, so I've tested your code with array and it worked.

\documentclass[xcolor=dvipsnames, fleqn]{beamer}

\usepackage{arydshln} % for cdashline


 \phantom{+}1 & -1 & \phantom{+}1 \\ \cdashline{1-3}
 -1 & \phantom{+}1 & -1 \\ 
 \phantom{+}1 & -1 & \phantom{+}1 \\


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