[Tex/LaTex] blank ‘ticks/axis’ labels in pgfplot/Tikz plot


Very first time using LuaLatex and Tikz/PGF to generate plot of a function (I use it for directed graphs a lot, but not functions). Following MWE works pretty well, except that I want to prevent writing the 0 label on the x-axis at the origin. If you run this, you'll see that the x-axis label 0 overlays the vertical y-axis. Not what I want.



% GNUPLOT required 


% set up maximum and minimum x- and y-coordinates 

% draw and label axes 
   \draw[->] (\xmin,0) -- (\xmax,0) node[right] {$N$}; 
   \draw[->] (0,\ymin) -- (0,\ymax) node[above] {$dN$}; 

% tick marks and tick labels on axes 
        \foreach \x in {0,5,...,80} 
                 \draw (\x,1pt) -- (\x,-3pt) 
                    node[anchor=north] {\footnotesize\x}; 
        \foreach \y in {-1.5,-1.0,...,2} 
                 \draw (1pt,\y) -- (-3pt,\y) 
                         node[anchor=east] {\footnotesize\y}; 

% now plot the function 
  \draw[color=blue,thick, smooth,domain=0:80.1] plot[id=logistic] function{0.1*x*(1-     x/70)} node[right]{$\frac{dN}{dt}=rN\left(1-\frac{N}{K}\right)$}; 


I tried using \phantom

\foreach \x in {\phantom,5,...,80} 
                 \draw (\x,1pt) -- (\x,-3pt) 
                    node[anchor=north] {\footnotesize\x}; 

but that wouldn't compile.

The only thing I've found that works is to insert a period (dot), instead of the zero:

\foreach \x in {.,5,...,80} 
                 \draw (\x,1pt) -- (\x,-3pt) 
                    node[anchor=north] {\footnotesize\x}; 

This works, more or less, but seems 'clunky' (inelegant). I'm sure there is a better way – suggestions?

Best Answer

Simply use

\foreach \x in {5,10,...,80} %% <-- change here
             \draw (\x,1pt) -- (\x,-3pt) 
                node[anchor=north] {\footnotesize\x}; 

Or better option will be pgfplots.

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