BibTeX – Converting BibTeX to Endnote Bibliography


I was working with a software called KNIME and I needed to cite this software for, the citation provided by the website is in the BibTeX format.

author = {Michael R. Berthold and Nicolas Cebron and Fabian Dill and Thomas R. Gabriel and
Tobias K\"{o}tter and Thorsten Meinl and Peter Ohl and Christoph Sieb and Kilian Thiel and
Bernd Wiswedel},
title = {{KNIME}: The {K}onstanz {I}nformation {M}iner},
booktitle = {Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization (GfKL 2007)},
publisher = {Springer},
ISBN = {978-3-540-78239-1},
ISSN = {1431-8814},
year = {2007}

I am not a BibTeX or even a LaTeX user. But I would like to convert this citation into the endnote format. I tried to find a way to do that online but failed. Can anyone help me with this?


Best Answer

If you type convert bibtex to endnote into Google, the first search result is this Java program. There is also JabRef, although this is a full-featured bibliography manager.

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