[Tex/LaTex] Bibliography style which extracts only the initials of the first names


I would like the author names in the bibliography to be of the form
"Lastname, A.B."

I thought that it is the bibliography style file like APA or Chicago which will choose only the initials of the author's first name and ignore the full name that has been typed (e.g. Andrew Middlename Lastname). All the styles tried so far do not compress the information typed in author field. Does that mean I have to enter the names in the required format only or is there some Tex solution to it?

In view of the tags apa and chicago added by the moderators, my guess is that the answer can be adapted to them by using \usepackage[style=authoryear,natbib=true,uniquename=init,firstinits,bibstyle=chicago]{biblatex} and installing biblatex-chicago.bst file? or is there another way?

In response to the answers, I would have posted this before but didn't know exactly how to do that.

  author = {Herbert Voss},
  title  = {Me, I and myself},
  year   = 2010,
  location = {Berlin}}

  author = {{F}irstname {M}iddlename {L}astname},
  title = {{T}itle of the paper},
  journal = {{J}ournal {T}itle },
  year = {2010},


A reference to~\cite{test}.



Best Answer

if you can use the package biblatex, it is easy:

  author = {Herbert Voss},
  title  = {Me, I and myself},
  year   = 2010,
  location = {Berlin},
  url    = {http://www.myirl.org},
  urldate= {2010-03-04},



A reference to~\cite{test}.


alt text