Biblatex bibliography style


I used to build my bibliographies with BibTeX and a bibliography style file spbasic3.sty. It provided exactly the bibliography style necessary for Springer publications. Now, I had to switch to Biblatex to be able to put the references at the end of each chapter, but I can no longer use a bibliography style. I tried more than one biblatex style, at the end I found "nature" that is probably one of the closest to what I need; still it looks terrible for my use. Then I removed ISSN and DOI passing the options isbn=false and doi=false, finally I got rid of the urk adding \renewbibmacro*{url+urldate}{} to the preamble. Still, I have only the first author listed ("Lastname, FirstInitial et al."), but I generally needs all of them or, sometimes three or six. Is there a way to achieve a fine tuning af the bibliography style according to the publisher instruction like using a style file? Where can I find a complete list of the axailable Biblatetex styles (as apa-style, chicago-style and so on)?

Best Answer

The best list of 'easily available' styles is probably the biblatex topic page on CTAN

It isn't a simple list of all styles with style examples, though, and you'll have to click through to the separate bundles and styles to see what they look like.

Herbert Voß's "LaTeX Referenz" (in German, 4th ed. 2019, has a long list of biblatex style examples. I have the print version of that book, but I'm not sure if there is an ebook version.

If you are planning to write your own style, I would usually recommend to base it on one of the standard styles. Some of the more advanced contributed styles (biblatex-apa, biblatex-chicago) are very specialised, highly complex and were not written with customisability in mind.

There are great many ways to customise a biblatex style. Some of the first steps one might take are shown in Guidelines for customizing biblatex styles.