[Tex/LaTex] Bibliography is not order by appearance


I have my document with my .bib. My problem is that I can't figure it out how can I do to have the numbers of the references ordered by appearance.

For instance when I cite \cite{website:Victhom} it is the reference number 4 to be cited but instead it appears like [8]

EDIT: One thing I have noticed is that this particular link appears in my bibliography in position nÂș8. Maybe that helps to find the reason

EDIT 2: Is the same result if I include the \bibliographystyle{unsrt} line or not

I include the bibliography like this:


And this is my .bib:

    Author = {example1},
    Journal = {321},
    Pages = {6421--6424},
    Title = {"some title"},
    %Volume = {35},
    Year = {2010}}     

    Author = {example 2},
    Publisher = {Wiley - IEEE Press},
    Title = {title 2},
    Year = 2004}

    Author = {Donald E. Knuth},
    Publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
    Title = {The {\TeX}book},
    Year = 1984}    

    Author = {David Linden and Thomas B. Reddy},
    Publisher = {McGraw Hill},
    Title = {Handbook of batteries 3d Ed.},
    Year = 1986}  

    Author = {authors},
    Booktitle = {title},
    Title = {"title"},
    Year = {Aug. 31 2010 - Sept. 4 2010}} 

    Author = {Patrick W. Daly},
    Month = feb,
    Title = {Naural Sciences Citations and References},
    Year = {2007}}

    Author = {Quallion LLC},
    Month = "",
    Title = {QL-series medical grade rechargeable lithium-ion batteries datasheets},
    Year = {}}

      author = "",
      title = "",
      month = "",
      year = "",
      url = "http://www.xfab.com"

      author = "Victhom",
      title = "some products",
      month = "",
      year = "",
      url = "http://www.victhom.com"

      author = "Medtronic",
      title = "title",
      month = "",
      year = "",
      url = "http://www.medtronic.com/neuro/gastro/enterra/enterra.html"

      author = "Epilepsy Foundation",
      title = "Epilepsy Treatment",
      month = "",
      year = "",
      url = "http://www.epilepsyfoundation.org/about/treatment/vns/"

How can I fix this?

Best Answer

In my case I am using a Spanish Thesis. To use it I downloaded a sample thesis. Checking the documents in the sample I found one named ezspanish.bst. The rear thing is that I couldn't find where this bst was called.

So I change the name of my unsrt.bst to ezspanish.bst and now it is working fine.

Thanks for the comments.

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