[Tex/LaTex] Bibliography in LNCS doesn’t work as expected


I'm using the Lecture Note in Computer Science (LNCS) LaTeX template, and I'm in trouble with their bibliography system.

I'm referencing a Book, but it doesn't show the information of the bib, it just prints the author and title.

Here is the template according with LNCS style:

1.Author Surname, A.: Title. Publisher, City (Year Published).

The bib file:

author = {Lastname, A.},
title = {Title},
date = {1995},
editor = {Book editor},
location = {City, Country},

And the TeX file:

\documentclass[10pt, a4paper]{llncs}


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur\cite{ref.the.book} adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod .



I get this:

  1. Lastname, A.: Title

But, i would like get:

  1. Lastname, A.: Title. Publisher, City (1995).

Does anyone have any ideas why it's happening?

Best Answer

The problem lies in your bibtex file field names, which are incorrect if you are using bibtex to process your bibliography (which you are). As you note in the comments, you had been using the bibliography manager included in TeXStudio, which allows you to choose between biblatex and bibtex.

biblatex supports a much richer data model than traditional bibtex and so if you use those fields you are basically stuck with using biblatex. On the other hand biblatex supports all the legacy bibtex fields, so unless you absolutely require the power that biblatex provides it's more practical to keep with the bibtex fields since they are usable with both biblatex/biber and natbib/bibtex. See the following questions for more details:

If you do need the power of biblatex but you also need to use the standard format as well, biber can be used in tool mode to convert from one format to another. See:

Since you are using the LLNCS class, you cannot use biblatex fields, but you must use standard bibtex fields:

The correct field name for the date is "Year".

The correct field name for the publisher location is "Address"

And book entries have "Publisher" as a required field.

And if you look at the warnings that bibtex shows when you compile this you can see the issues clearly:

This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2015)
The top-level auxiliary file: llncs-bib.aux
The style file: splncs03.bst
Database file #1: bibfilename.bib
Warning--can't use both author and editor fields in badref
Warning--missing publisher in badref
Warning--empty year in badref
(There were 3 warnings)
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