[Tex/LaTex] Biblatex+Biber footcite style when using autocite


I'm referring to this post. Please consider the following MWE:

\usepackage[style=alphabetic, autocite=footnote]{biblatex}

% Footnote modifications:
            \printtext[brackets]{\usebibmacro{cite} \usebibmacro{postnote}}}




% Inline modifications:
            \printtext[brackets]{\usebibmacro{cite} \usebibmacro{postnote}}}


  author = {Cornelisse, J. W. and Schöyer, H. Ferry R. and Wakker, Karel F.},
  title = {Rocket Propulsion and Spaceflight Dynamics},
  year = {1979},
  publisher = {Pitman},



How one citation with autocite look like: \autocite[see][35]{Cornelisse1979}
How multicite with autocites look like: \autocites(\autocap{s}ee)()[][20]{Cornelisse1979}[][35]{Cornelisse1979}
How multicite with autocites should look like: \footcites(\autocap{s}ee)()[][20]{Cornelisse1979}[][35]{Cornelisse1979}

With this I can easily switch between inline and footnote citation by changing autocite=footnote to autocite=inline in the package options. Moreover the prenote of any citation will be written with a leading capital letter when using autocite=footnote and with a lower case letter when using autocite=inline (ok need to comment sth. out but it is easy enough).

But what doesn't work. I want the multicite with \autocites to look exactly like the one with \footcites. But any modification shouldn't effect the style when I use autocite=inline instead of autocite=footnote in the package options, because I want to switch between both styles back and forth.
Has anyone an idea how to influence the \autocites command?

Best Answer

It seems like there might be a bug in biblatex, but more likely I just don't understand what is going on. It appears that \autocites is not respecting the change in the cite command. Adding


to the preamble seems to fix the problem.

A bug report on this has resulted in the documentation now clearly saying that you need
