Biblatex Numeric Style – Replace Square with Round Brackets


Suppose you have this MWE using numeric style with Biblatex


\usepackage{csquotes} % needed if also biblatex is used



Adams said ``I always thought something was fundamentally wrong with the universe'' \cite{adams1995hitchhiker}.



What is the best way to replace square brackets with round brackets in both citations and bibliography?

Best Answer


With biblatex-ext styles, things are a little bit easier since you can use their cite delimiter feature.


\usepackage[backend=biber, style=ext-numeric]{biblatex}




Lorem \autocite{sigfridsson}
Lorem \autocites{sigfridsson}{worman}
Lorem \cite{sigfridsson}


Without biblate-ext



you get round brackets in the bibliography, for citations you need to copy the definitions from numeric.cbx and change \mkbibbrackets into \mkbibparens



More radical is


or even


where all square brackets are replaced by round brackets. This can lead to problems if you do want square brackets in other places in your citations/bibliography.

Note that you will need more intricate tricks for some of the more advanced numeric-derived styles and \textcite.

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