[Tex/LaTex] Biblatex induced headache: Bibliography bst style not found


I'm new to LaTeX and have been trying to get my document to use a specified .bst bibliography style file, but to no avail. I downloaded my preferred .bst file (amnat.bst) from here into the same folder as my document. I've fruitlessly tried various combinations to try to get it to work (including \bibliographystyle{amnat}). I'm not sure if it's a matter of different libraries clashing or what, but I'm incredibly frustrated. I've also tried just setting the bibstyle to equal plain and it still doesn't work (also \bibliographystyle{plain}).

When I run:

pdflatex myTexDocument

I get the error message:

!Package biblatex Error: Style 'amnat' not found.



And (after pressing the Return key):

!Package biblatex Error: No driver found.

When I run the document without the extra bibstyle=amnat parameter for biblatex, I do not run into any errors.

Here is an abridged version of myTexDocument.tex:

\usepackage[pagebackref=false,hidelinks]{hyperref}  %For cross-referencing papers to biliography
\usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx}   %Add images
\usepackage{setspace}   %Set line-spacing
\usepackage[hmargin=2cm,vmargin=2.25cm]{geometry}   %Set document margins
\usepackage{amsmath}    %For mathematic formulas
\usepackage{pdflscape}  %For configuring page orientation
\usepackage{varwidth,array,ragged2e}    %To adjust table row heights accordingly
\usepackage{mathptmx}   %Set font so compatible with math font too
\usepackage{titlesec}   %For adjusting section headings
\usepackage{paralist}   %For lists
\addbibresource{../../../../Bibtex/library.bib} %Load bibiliography


{}{0em}{}[--- ]


    \input{titlePage} %My title page document
    \raggedright    %Left Justify document
    \setlength{\parindent}{0.6cm}   %Set paragraph indent
            Blahblah \autocite{Webb2002,Graham2008}
        Blah blah
    \phantomsection %Create a hyperlink to the References section in Table of Contents

    \input{tables} %This is just a document with tables

Best Answer

With biblatex, you can't use traditional .bst style files. Instead, you have to use either one of the bibliography styles that ship with biblatex or a third-party style specifically written for this package (e.g., biblatex-dw). Also, with biblatex, the \bibliographystyle command does nothing but produce a warning.

If there's no exact biblatex equivalent to amnat.bst, have a look at Guidelines for customizing biblatex styles to create one yourself.