[Tex/LaTex] bibLaTeX: Custom \citep style


For days I’ve been messing around now with the otherwise great biblatex package but, alas, I am overwhelmed by all the technical mumbo-jumbo in its documentation. The thing I want to do is (hopefully) quite simple:

I want a citation with page-number and parentheses such as this one

``Some quote'' \citep[185]{author:book}

to look like this:

“Some Quote” (Author 2001: 185)

I tried a number of citestyles but I never come even close to that, it always looks something like this:

“Some Quote” (Author, 2001, 185)

Sorry for the probably dumb question but this menial detail is costing me a lot of nerves 🙁

Best Answer

If you prefer to stick with biblatex, this is an easy modification (although it is true that the biblatex manual can be overwhelming at first [and second] glance).

Try this:

\usepackage[style=authoryear, backend=biber, natbib]{biblatex}
\addbibresource{biblatex-examples.bib}% ships with biblatex



% note: the 'natbib' option gives you access to natbib-like commands
``Some quote'' \citep[185]{doody}.
According to   \citet[33]{aristotle:anima}, \ldots.

% compare these:
``Some quote'' \parencite[185]{doody}.
According to   \textcite[33]{aristotle:anima}, \ldots.

% and \autocite
``Some quote'' \autocite[185]{doody}.
According to   Aristotle \autocite*[33]{aristotle:anima}, \ldots.


Note, if you are going to use biblatex, I recommend you also make use of csquotes, which was developed by the same package author.