[Tex/LaTex] BibLaTex custom style – header


I am a LaTeX noob and am stuck on how to modify a biblatex style. I tried playing around with an existing style but I have a hard time following in which files all the sub-macros are hidden.
My bib needs to look as follows:

Last1 / Last2 Year
(tab)Last1, First_initial1; Last2, First_initial2: Title. Publication, Location, Date.

I started editing an existing desing and it currently looks as follows:

Last1, First1 and First2 Last2 Year
(tab)Last1, First1 and First2 Last2. Title. Publication.

Can anyone help me where I need to look in the varous bbx, cbx and def files to make my bibliography look right?


\ProvidesFile{newstyle_bib.bbx}[\abx@bbxid $Id: standard.bbx,v 0.9a 2010/03/19 19:52:15 $] \newtoggle{bbx:isbn}
 \indent %

 \indent %
 \printnames{author}% \newunit\newblock

Best Answer

You can often avoid modifying each individual bibliography driver by applying edits to the bibliography macros instead. In the standard styles the begentry bibiliography macro appears at the beginning of every driver. This is a good place to add the item "header".

Standard drivers typically print publishing information in the form <location>: <publisher>. For most entry types this order can be swapped by editing the publisher+location+date bibliography macro.

The rest of the problem is handled with edits to biblatex's delimiter/punctuation commands and name formats. Here's an example.







enter image description here