[Tex/LaTex] biblatex & biber : \textcite without parenthesis around year


I should submit a paper with lots of math, but there is not an available latex class for the journal. However I want to use latex and biblatex (with biber).

The journal specifies, in particular, that: "if more than two authors are present refere them as: 'Bianchi et al. 2003' in the text".

I customized a great part of the bibliograhy appareance with the following code (some part refers to the style in the REFERENCE section)

\usepackage[backend = biber, style= authoryear, giveninits=true, uniquename=init, maxcitenames=2, dashed = true, isbn = false]{biblatex}
\DeclareFieldFormat[article, book, inbook, incollection, inproceedings, misc, thesis, unpublished]{title}{#1}

% year in the reference section must be without parenthesis
% et al. must be in italic

However I am not able to remove the parenthesis around the year.
As an example: if I consider the following book:

 Author = {Peter A. Burrough and Rachael A. McDonnell and Christopher D. Lloyd},
 Title = {Principles of Geographical Information Systems},
 Publisher = {Oxford University Press},
 Year = {2015},
 ISBN = {0198742843},
 pagetotal = 330

and the command


I obtain:
Burrough et al. (2015) and not Burrough et al. 2015

Best Answer

\textcite is a citation command designed to be used in the flow of text as a subject of a sentence. Thus it puts a citation label which is enclosed in parentheses after authors' or editors' names. If you'd like to have it (for whatever purpose) without parentheses, you can use the bare \cite command which, for the authoryear style you are using, will produce a citation alike \textcite, but without parentheses.