[Tex/LaTex] Biblatex and biber error message


I can't explain myself why I get the following error message from Overleaf where I have my latex file:

Package biblatex Error: File '[file's name]' not created by biblatex.

(Please note)
This is the corrected preamble that I fixed after turning things around:


backend = biber, 
style = apa, 

\addbibresource{quanti_lit.bib} %name of the .bib file with my references

\usepackage [autostyle, english = american]{csquotes} % US EN quotation marks



My first reference within parenthesis \parencite{Cohen}

My second reference with a year in parenthesis \textcite{Allwood2003}

 \printbibliography[keyword={ref},title={References 1}]
 \printbibliography[keyword={GJ},title={References 2}]

Here are the two examples of references that I stored separately in the quanti_lit.bib file

  Title                    = {A study of gestural feedback expressions},
  Author                   = {Allwood, Jens and Cerrato, Loredana},
  Booktitle                = {First Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication},
  Year                     = {2003},
  Address                  = {Copenhagen, Denmark},
  Pages                    = {7-22},
  keyword                  = {ref}
author = {Cohen, Jacob},
journal = {Educational and Psychological Measurement},
pages = {2030},
title = {{A coefficient of agreement for nominal scales}},
volume = {46},
year = {1960},
keyword                = {GJ}

Looking forward to your comments!

Best Answer

The problem does not occur when compiling from the command line using the desired BibTex engine as I could run your MWE without any error on my Terminal.

The message occurs when the .tex file or other configuration files specify BibTeX while TeXShop specifies another. For example, you get a similar error, when the settings in TeXShop specify biber rather than bibtex while your .tex file contains \usepackage[round]{natbib}, or conversely, when a .tex file might use a class file to manage styles (.cls) specifying biber like \RequirePackage[backend=biber]{biblatex}.

The .bbl files created by a normal BibTeX run and a Biber run are completely different and they are not compatible with each other. Surely, you've used a file where a normal bibliography was used and afterwards you've switched to biblatex. That's why biblatex is complaining that "the .bbl file has not been created".

The solution is to delete the .bbl file and run pdflatex and biber again. Don't use BibTex or LaTex while you should be using pdflatexand biber.

Here is the output of your MWE:

enter image description here

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