[Tex/LaTex] Beamer ToC: vertical spacing compressed when making ToC in columns environment

beamerpositioningspacingtable of contents

I am trying to adapt the Beamer table of content to my needs. I use the columns environment to change the lay-out of frames with a lot of white space. This works fine in most cases, but when I use it with the ToC, the vertical spacing is wrong, and the list is compressed. See the example below. Any ideas how to fix this? I could maybe use a hack like this post Beamer: Vertical alignment of multi-column ToC, but I'd prefer something more elegant.

Just to be clear: I don't have a very long ToC in my real document, it's for aesthetic reasons only.

%\setbeamertemplate{subsection in toc shaded}[default][20]

\tableofcontents[sectionstyle=show, subsectionstyle=show/shaded]

\section{What I like}
    \tableofcontents[sectionstyle=show, subsectionstyle=show/show/shaded]

\subsection{I like chocolate}
\frametitle{I like chocolate}
because it's nice and sweet
\subsection{I like football}
\frametitle{I like football}
because all my friends play it too

\section{What I don't like}
    \tableofcontents[sectionstyle=show, subsectionstyle=show/show/shaded]
\subsection{I don't like being sad}
\frametitle{I don't like being sad}
because it makes me cry
\subsection{I don't like fighting}
\frametitle{I don't like fighting}
because I always loose


Best Answer

This happens because the bemaer column system uses the LaTeX minipage behind the scenes: a vertical box. As these are not set with a fixed height they don't stretch, in contrast to setting a frame where beamer does some resizing (so the stretch is important). For a one-off application I'd be tempted to use a raw minipage and adjust as require. For example

      \tableofcontents[sectionstyle=show, subsectionstyle=show/show/shaded]

Looks just about right to me. The spacing is a bit off but the beamer internals are a pain in this regard and I'd rather not trace all of it through to make it identical to a 'normal' frame!