[Tex/LaTex] Beamer Columns environment doesn’t work when converting dvi to pdf


I am trying to create two columns in one slide with Beamer.
I followed this link:
How to split a frame (of beamer) into 2 parts (minipage) side by side?

However, none of the minipage or the columns environment works.
For columns environment, my dvi file looks fine but when I convert it to pdf, the page becomes a blank page.
For minipage, I would like to remove the border of each minipage. However, once I remove the \fbox, the two minipage have weird alignment.

I basically use the sample code from the link I mentioned. Here is my code:

\setbeamertemplate{footline}[page number]
Left Part
Right Part

\item right part
\item test2
\item test3

The first slide using columns environment, and it is looks fine in dvi file, but it doesn't work after converting to pdf.

The second slide using minipage enviroment. It works but the two minipage do not align with each other.

Anyone knows how to fix this issue? Thank you.

Best Answer

This is more of an extended comment.

Alignment with minipage

You can use the adjustbox package to control vertical alignment of the image (load it before you load pstricks though).


% compile with latex + dvipdfmx 
\usepackage{mwe} % provides image in this example
\setbeamertemplate{footline}[page number]

\begin{frame}{with \texttt{minipage}}
    \item right part
    \item test2
    \item test3

Output (despite a lot warnings during dvipdfmx)

enter image description here

Including a .eps image in columns

It is by chance that I come to discover that the contents in the frame with columns got "pushed" down and to the left for some reason during the latex+dvipdfmx compilation. This is illustrated by issuing \vspace{-7cm} in the following:

\usepackage{mwe} % provides image in this example
\setbeamertemplate{footline}[page number]

\begin{frame}{with \texttt{columns}}


    \item right part
    \item test2
    \item test3

enter image description here

I don't know why this is the case. It probably has to do with all the warnings one gets during the dvipdfmx run. Hopefully someone can answer this part of the question.