[Tex/LaTex] Beamer itemize not aligned when in blocks


While making a poster, I've got two columns with blocks with itemize inside them. MWE:




\begin{columns}[t, onlytextwidth]
\item First Item
\item Second Item
\item First Item
\item Second Item


My local installation and ShareLaTeX would misalign the bullets(baselines added by me): bug illustration

This problem seems similar to:

But this time it happens when itemize is inside the block. If one removes the blocks it works fine.

Am I missing something or does it look like a Beamer bug?

Thanks! I'm a LaTeX noob, sorry if I missed something stupid.

Best Answer

In your example, the depth of the first title is null (no letter as g or y). To work around this feature (or "bug") of beamer, you may add \vphantom{Ag} in each title of your blocks (\vphantom adds a vertical phantom of its content).


  \begin{columns}[t, onlytextwidth]
        \item First Item
        \item Second Item
        \item First Item
        \item Second Item

Note: if you use onlytextwidth, the sum of the width of your columns should be lesser than \textwidth (to get a space between your columns).