[Tex/LaTex] Beamer, Beamerposter and the TUGraz theme: compilation issue


When trying to compile using the Beamer class and the TUGraz theme I get the following error message: LaTeX Error: There's no line here to end.
This is in Windows Vista (no goood, I know) with MikTeX 2.9.

When I compile the same with MikTeX 2.9 in Windows XP I have no problem. Why?

PS: I'm using the Beamerposter package.

Here is a MWE:



\title{\Huge Some Title\vspace{3mm}}
\author[]{Homer Simpson}

         \item This is an item.

When I comment the line \usetheme{TUGraz} I have no compilation error.
The TUGraz Beamer-poster theme can be downloaded from here

———————– EDIT ———————————-
And if I try to compile the following code I get Error: Undefined control sequence, referencing the line \end{frame}.


%%%% Inclusion de fichiers "standalone" %%%%

\mode<presentation> {  

%%%% Langue française %%%%

%%%% Maths and symbols %%%%
\usepackage{amsmath,amsthm, amssymb, latexsym}

%%%% Policies matématiques %%%

%%% Package Beamerposter %%%%

%%%% Institution %%%%
    \vspace {3mm}

%%%% Titre, auteurs, mails et site web %%%%
\title{\Huge Modes Glissants appliqués au Convertisseur Multicellulaire\vspace{3mm}}
\author[Amet, Ghanes \& Barbot]{Leonardo Amet, Malek Ghanes  et Jean-Pierre Barbot}

Les \emph{\textbf{Convertisseurs Multicellulaires}} sont des structures de type \emph{multiniveaux} conçues dans le but de \emph{réduire les tensions sur les interrupteurs de puissance}.

\item réduction de $dV/dt$
\item réduction du contenu harmonique
\item modularité
\item réconfiguration possible (marche dégradée)
\item fréquence aparente de sortie supérieure à la fréquence de commutation
\item nombre de composants élevé
\item composants flottants
\item \textbf{\textit{commande de tensions internes}}
\textbf{\textit{\large Convertisseur Multicellulaire à 3 cellules}} \vspace{0.6cm}
% \scalebox{3.3}{
% \scalefont{0.35}
% \input{schema_multicell}}

\textbf{Pour égaler les tensions supportées par les cellules il faut charger chaque condensateur à une tension spécifique donnée par:
$\displaystyle {V_{C_k} = k\frac{E}{n}}$}

\begin{block}{Commande des Tensions Internes}
 \textbf{\color{tugblue} MLI en boucle ouverte:} 

\quad Equilibre naturel des tensions, mais lent et oscilatoire.\vspace{1.1cm}

 \textbf{\color{tugblue} MLI en boucle fermée:}  

\quad Equilibrage plus performant, mais pas suffisament rapide ni robust.\vspace{1.1cm}

\textbf{\color{tugblue} Modes Glissants:} 

\quad \textbf{rapide et robust.}\vspace{1.1cm}
\begin{block}{Modèle instantané}
Cas d'un Convertisseur Multicellulaire à trois cellules:\vspace{5mm}
    \displaystyle   \dot{v}_{_{C_1}}    &= \displaystyle \frac{u_2(t) - u_1(t)}{C_1} \, i_s(t)\\
    \displaystyle   \dot{v}_{_{C_2}}    &= \displaystyle \frac{u_3(t) - u_2(t)}{C_2} \, i_s(t)\\     
    \displaystyle v_s(t) &= \displaystyle \sum_{k=1}^3 [v_{_{C_k}}(t) - v_{_{C_{k-1}}}(t)]u_k(t)

\begin{block}{Synthèse de la Commande par Modes Glissants}


The beginning and the end of the log file are:

    This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.3-1.40.12 (MiKTeX 2.9) (preloaded           format=pdflatex 2011.6.19)  25 SEP 2011 21:12
entering extended mode
    Overfull \hbox (50.59032pt too wide) detected at line 38
    [][][] [][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][
    ][] [][][][][][][] 

    ! Undefined control sequence.
    \beamer@frameslide ...duration=}\thispdfpagelabel 
                                                      {\insertframenumber } \xde...
    l.117 \end{frame}


Best Answer

The linked theme (TUGraz) has been designed such that an \institute is required. Thus with the minimal example


an error is seen (plus ones concerning missing colour and logo files which are not relevant to the issue at hand).

Including an \institute fixes the error


although the theme should be fixed to check for the presence of the relevant values.

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