[Tex/LaTex] beamerposter passing portrait options to custom theme


Hi I'm preparing a custom theme for beamerposter to align with the theme of my institution. I have to include a figure banner on the headline plus the possibility to include 2 different logos. So far I've done like this in the .sty file

    \usebeamercolor{title in headline}{\color{fg}\textbf{\LARGE{\inserttitle}}\\[1ex]}
    \usebeamercolor{author in headline}{\color{fg}\Large{\insertauthor}\\[0.5ex]}
    \usebeamercolor{institute in headline}{\color{fg}\large{\insertinstitute}\\[1ex]}     

Where \RightLogo and \LeftLogo have been defined before the


The trick work nicely in portrait mode for beamerposter. But whenever I use landscape option the banner is too big in height. So I think I should pass the dimension of the banner and also the amoung of vskip differently according to the option passed to beamerposter (i.e. orientation=portrait, orientation = landscape). But I can't figure out how to infer this options.
I hope I explain my self. I know that I should give a MWE but I hope it is sufficient as I've done

Best Answer

The command \ifportrait detects the value of orientation. So you can replace your line


with a test and appropriate code for each case


The format is \ifportrait <portait-case> \else <landscape-case> \fi. I have made a random choice of a height of 10cm in the landscape case, you will need to write something appropriate four your particular case. For example, you might find a minipage more suitable than a \parbox and could write


in the landscape case.

To use this as a style, put the following in the file beamerthemeProva.sty


    \usebeamercolor{title in headline}{\color{fg}\textbf{\LARGE{\inserttitle}}\\[1ex]}
    \usebeamercolor{author in headline}{\color{fg}\Large{\insertauthor}\\[0.5ex]}
    \usebeamercolor{institute in headline}{\color{fg}\large{\insertinstitute}\\[1ex]}     


and then you can have a main document (a variation on the standard example in the beamerposter distribution) such as the following


\mode<presentation> { \usetheme{Berlin} 
\usepackage{amsmath,amsthm, amssymb, latexsym}
\usetheme{Prova} }

  \title[Fancy Posters]{Making Really Fancy Posters with \LaTeX}
  \author[Dreuw \& Deselaers]{Philippe Dreuw and Thomas Deselaers}
  \institute[RWTH Aachen University]{Human Language Technology and Pattern Recognition, RWTH Aachen University}
  \date{Jul. 31th, 2007}

    \begin{block}{\large Fontsizes}
      {\tiny tiny}\par
      {\scriptsize scriptsize}\par
      {\footnotesize footnotesize}\par
      {\normalsize normalsize}\par
      {\large large}\par
      {\Large Large}\par
      {\LARGE LARGE}\par
      {\veryHuge VeryHuge}\par
      {\VeryHuge VeryHuge}\par
      {\VERYHuge VERYHuge}\par
    \begin{block}{\large Fontsizes}
      {\tiny tiny}\par
      {\scriptsize scriptsize}\par
      {\footnotesize footnotesize}\par
      {\normalsize normalsize}\par
      {\large large}\par
      {\Large Large}\par
      {\LARGE LARGE}\par
      {\veryHuge VeryHuge}\par
      {\VeryHuge VeryHuge}\par
      {\VERYHuge VERYHuge}\par
          \item some items
          \item some items
          \item some items
          \item some items
          \item some items and $\alpha=\gamma, \sum_{i}$
          \item some items
          \item some items
          \item some items
          $$\alpha=\gamma, \sum_{i}$$

          \item some items
          \item some items
          \item some items
          \item some items

          \item some items and $\alpha=\gamma, \sum_{i}$
          \item some items
          \item some items
          \item some items
          $$\alpha=\gamma, \sum_{i}$$

You can now change the orinetation from landscape to portrait and get different effects.