Beamer Tables – Creating Annotated Tables Using TikZ Styles


I am trying to include some boxes around numbers in a table. I am using the method exactly described on the answer to question below:

Beamer, annotated tables using Tikzmark

The issue is that the first cell of the area surrounded by the box gets an extra space (if you see the example above you will see it). That's quite annoying. Why does it happen? How to solve it?

Best Answer

The definition of the macros in the package fail to comment line endings in all of the necessary places. Since TeX interprets these as spaces, spaces are inserted.

The definition of \tikzmarkin involves numerous, nested conditional clauses. Here, I just tried to pick the one relevant to you and redefine that.

The fix involves adding this to the preamble after loading hf-tikz:

\RenewDocumentCommand{\tikzmarkin}{r<> o m D(){\belowrightoff} D(){\aboveleftoff}}{%
    \only<#1>{\tikz[remember picture,overlay]
      \draw[line width=1pt,rectangle,disable rounded corners,fill=\fcol,draw=\bcol]
      (pic cs:#3) ++(#4) rectangle (#5) node [anchor=base] (#3){}
    \only<#1>{\tikz[remember picture,overlay]
      \draw[line width=1pt,rectangle,disable rounded corners,fill=\fcol,draw=\bcol,#2]
      (pic cs:#3) ++(#4) rectangle (#5) node [anchor=base] (#3){}

Note that my fix consists of the addition of two % signs at the end of lines. Obviously, this should be fixed for all cases and not just the Beamer-rounded-corners-fill-etc.-etc. one, but that is really best done in the package by its maintainer.

The results look like this:

slide 1

slide 2

Complete code for example:

\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb,amsthm} %%% INCLUDE
    set fill color=red!80!black!40,
    set border color=red!80!black,
\RenewDocumentCommand{\tikzmarkin}{r<> o m D(){\belowrightoff} D(){\aboveleftoff}}{%
    \only<#1>{\tikz[remember picture,overlay]
      \draw[line width=1pt,rectangle,disable rounded corners,fill=\fcol,draw=\bcol]
      (pic cs:#3) ++(#4) rectangle (#5) node [anchor=base] (#3){}
    \only<#1>{\tikz[remember picture,overlay]
      \draw[line width=1pt,rectangle,disable rounded corners,fill=\fcol,draw=\bcol,#2]
      (pic cs:#3) ++(#4) rectangle (#5) node [anchor=base] (#3){}

\begin{frame}{Regression Results}{Participation}

\begin{tabular}{lcccccc} \hline
& \multicolumn{3}{c}{Dependent Variable:} &  \multicolumn{3}{c}{Dependent Variable:} \\
& \multicolumn{3}{c}{Effort>0} &  \multicolumn{3}{c}{Effort>5} \\
\cline{2-4} \cline{5-7}
Variables & (1) & (2) & (3) & (4) & (5) & (6) \\
 &  &  &  &  &  &  \\
\tikzmarkin<2>[hl]{H1}Slider & -0.019 & -0.031 & -0.038 & -0.037 & -0.051 & -0.055 \\
 & (0.069) & (0.068) & (0.068) & (0.068) & (0.067) & (0.066)\tikzmarkend{H1}\\
Early Departure  & -0.143** & -0.160** & -0.147** & -0.204*** & -0.222*** & -0.209*** \\
 & (0.070) & (0.070) & (0.070) & (0.069) & (0.068) & (0.069) \\
Pause  & -0.427*** & -0.430*** & -0.425*** & -0.694*** & -0.697*** & -0.691*** \\
 & (0.068) & (0.068) & (0.067) & (0.067) & (0.066) & (0.066) \\
20-Minute  & -0.036 & -0.040 & -0.037 & -0.035 & -0.040 & -0.036 \\
 & (0.069) & (0.068) & (0.068) & (0.067) & (0.066) & (0.066) \\
Threshold  & -0.284*** & -0.282*** & -0.272*** & -0.266*** & -0.263*** & -0.254*** \\
 & (0.068) & (0.068) & (0.067) & (0.067) & (0.066) & (0.066) \\
Flat Wage  & 0.037 & 0.020 & 0.031 & 0.056 & 0.038 & 0.041 \\
 & (0.069) & (0.069) & (0.069) & (0.068) & (0.067) & (0.067) \\
Effort Choice & -0.606*** & -0.608*** & -0.601*** & -0.766*** & -0.769*** & -0.759*** \\
 & (0.068) & (0.068) & (0.068) & (0.067) & (0.066) & (0.066) \\
Constant & 0.963*** & 1.111*** & 0.989*** & 0.944*** & 1.102*** & 1.051*** \\
 & (0.049) & (0.064) & (0.159) & (0.048) & (0.062) & (0.155) \\
 &  &  &  &  &  &  \\
Observations & 434 & 434 & 434 & 434 & 434 & 434 \\
R-squared & 0.277 & 0.298 & 0.316 & 0.429 & 0.448 & 0.463 \\
\% invested in Risk Task & N & Y & Y & N & Y & Y \\
Controls & N & N & Y & N & N & Y \\
\multicolumn{7}{c}{ Standard errors in parentheses} \\
\multicolumn{7}{c}{ *** p$<$0.01, ** p$<$0.05, * p$<$0.10} \\
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node<2>[left=-3pt,anchor=west,yshift=1.5ex,font=\small] at (pic cs:H1) {Comment};

