[Tex/LaTex] Background color in pgfplots that extends beyond the axis of the plot


I am interested in adding a background-color to my pgfplots plot that extends beyond the axis of the plot. See the image bellow for clarification; I am interested in adding a background color such as the plot in the image.

How would you achieve this?

enter image description here

Example from: The pgfplots manual (Christian Feuersänger, 2012, p. 20)

Best Answer

As Qrrbrbirlbel suggested, you might use the backgrounds library from TikZ. The example I provide you uses as predefined color the same one adopted in the pgfmanual and in the pgfplots documentation, but it can be easily changed via a specific key.

The code:

% background color definition from pgfmanual-en-macros.tex
% key to change color
  background color/.initial=graphicbackground,
  background color/.get=\backcol,
  background color/.store in=\backcol,
\tikzset{background rectangle/.style={
  use background/.style={    
    show background rectangle

\begin{tikzpicture}[use background]
\addplot {sin(deg(x))};
\begin{tikzpicture}[background color=orange!20,use background]
\addplot+[only marks] {sin(deg(x))};

The result:

enter image description here