[Tex/LaTex] Axis break in pgfplots


Is there an easy way to 'break' the axis in a pgfplots environment? What I'm talking about is something like this

enter image description here

Any minimal plot will do as an example…for example


\begin{axis}[ymin=0, ymax=80]
\addplot {x*0}; 
\addplot {x^2+50};


For example, in the below plot,


I want to break the axis from around y = 10 to y = 40.

Any ideas? Does PGF have this functionality? A search for `break' in the manual doesn't yield anything.

Best Answer

One solution for the posted minimal example could be the following:


% override style for non-boxed plots
    % which is the case for both sub-plots
    every non boxed x axis/.style={} 
    group style={
        group name=my fancy plots,
        group size=1 by 2,
        xticklabels at=edge bottom,
        vertical sep=0pt
    xmin=-6, xmax=6

               axis x line=top, 
               axis y discontinuity=parallel,
\addplot {x*0};     
\addplot {x^2+50};         

               axis x line=bottom,
\addplot {x*0}; 
\addplot {x^2+50};                 


It combines two plots in a groupplot-environment and plots them on top of each other. Using the axis y discontinuity is possible then:

Two plots using axis y discontinuity for the upper.