[Tex/LaTex] Background clip to text Tikz


I'm using Tikz to design the cover of a book and I need to do something like this :Bacgkround clips to text

I've tried to use some tricks given here but it did nothing.

I'm actually using the following code:

\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]%

% Logo
\node[opacity=1,inner sep=0pt] at ([yshift=-0.09\paperheight]current page.north){\includegraphics[width=0.35\paperwidth]{logo.eps}};

% Document title
\node (booktitle) at ([yshift=-.45\paperheight]current page.north) [above, text width=.8\paperwidth, font=\fontsize{40pt}{43pt}\selectfont, color=covertext, align=center] {\bfseries\@title};%


Could you help me please.

Best Answer

Solution without TikZ

Using text as clip path is supported by package pdfrender if pdfTeX (or LuaTeX) is running in PDF mode.

\pdfsave and \pdfrestore saves and restores the current graphics state, thus that the clipping ends after \pdfrestore. Since the graphics state include the current transfer matrix (e.g., the current point on the PDF page), the command pair must be used on the same TeX location. Otherwise the TeX coordinate system and the PDF coordinate system would go out of sync.

Full example:


    % Set clip path
      \copy0 %
    % Now the image or whatever is provided in #2 is used.
      \def\width{\wd0 }%
      \def\depth{\dp0 }%
      \def\height{\ht0 }%
    % Inform TeX about the text dimensions

    This text clips the\\
    background image%
      viewport=0 0 {10mm} {5mm},


The background image bg.pdf was generated with:

    \foreach \i in {1, ..., 500} {
      \pgfmathsetlengthmacro\rad{.1mm + 10mm*rnd/sqrt(\i)}
      \fill[col] (rnd, rnd) circle[radius=\rad];
    \useasboundingbox (0, 0) (1, 1);