[Tex/LaTex] Axis discontinuity + enlargelimits not showing axis correctly in pgfplots


I need to make a y-axis discontinuity, but I also need to configure enlargelimits=true. The problem is that the axis is not showing correctly, as the below picture show. If I set enlargelimits=false, then the axis discontinuity is correctly done, but the axis values are messed up, as the above picture shows. How can I fix my plots?

enter image description here

Here is the MWE of the picture:


axis x line=bottom,
axis y line=left,
tick align=outside,
axis y discontinuity=crunch, enlargelimits=false
,xtick=data, xlabel=balbalbala, ymin=60, ylabel={balbal [\%]},xlabel style={yshift=-0.3cm}, clip=false, ymax=100]
\addplot[smooth,mark=*,blue] coordinates {
\node[coordinate,pin=above left:{96.1\%}] at (axis cs:8,96.1) {};
axis x line=bottom,
axis y line=left,
tick align=outside,
axis y discontinuity=crunch, enlargelimits=true
,xtick=data, xlabel=blablablabla, ymin=400, ymax=1000, clip=false, ylabel=balbal, xlabel style={yshift=-0.3cm}, ylabel style={yshift=0.3cm}]
coordinates {


Best Answer

It seems, as if this is not possible. All examples for discontinuities in the pgf manual are using the option \enlargelimits=false. However, you can just do it manually. \enlargelimits=true increases the limits by 10 % to both sides, so just use xmin and xmax to specify what ever you need.

Some notes:

  • If you leave xtick=data away, it looks much better (imho).

  • the default for \enlargelimits= is true. However, the result looks the same when you comment this option. Looks a bit like a bug to me or I am not seeing some documentation...

  • I would recommend to insert a \end{figure}\begin{figure}\centering between the two figures or to use the package subcaption in order to nicely set two images in one float.



,axis x line=bottom,
,axis y line=left,
,tick align=outside,
,axis y discontinuity=crunch
%,xtick=data % more beautiful perhaps
,ylabel={balbal in \%}
%,xlabel style={yshift=-0.3cm} % just if you really want it. I would leave it away.
\addplot[smooth,mark=*,blue] coordinates {%
\node[coordinate,pin=above left:{\SI{96.1}{\percent}}] at (axis cs:8,96.1) {};
%\vspace{1cm} % just if you really want it. I would leave it away.
,axis x line=bottom,
,axis y line=left,
,tick align=outside,
,axis y discontinuity=crunch
,xmax=13 %enlargelimits=true
%,clip=false % not needed here
%,xlabel style={yshift=-0.3cm} % just if you really want it. I would leave it away.
%,ylabel style={yshift=0.3cm} % just if you really want it. I would leave it away.
\addplot[smooth,color=red,mark=x] coordinates {%

enter image description here

I also corrected:

  • begin{center} to \centering

  • \pgfplotsset{compat=1.10} as requested in the warnings

  • \ymintick in order to set the first tick above the crunshing.