[Tex/LaTex] (Author, year, abbr. journal name) as citation style


I'm using bibtex and natbib in beamer (by defining the newblock command). I would like to have citations in the slides in the format (Author, year, abbr. journal name) instead of just (Author, year), without resorting to using \citep[abbr. journal name]{Authoryear}.

An example:

(Campbell and Cochrane, 1999, JPE) instead of the regular (Campbell
and Cochrane, 1999).

I use abbreviations in the bibtex file (@STRING{JPE = "Journal of Political Economy"}).

Does anyone here know whether this is possible?

Best Answer

If you are willing to switch from BibTeX/natbib to BibLaTeX for your presentations, then this can be done pretty easily. In BibLaTex you need to define a new cite command:

    \printnames[author]{author}, \printfield{year}, \printfield{journaltitle}}{;}{}%