[Tex/LaTex] Assigning xlabels to symbolic x coords

bar chartpgfplotstikz-pgf

I am using the below code to generate the shown bar graph. However, I cant find anything with which I can label each of the individual bars for both sets of my data. i.e say the bar marked 0.67 I want to show an x value of 1.2 for it, for 0.61 x = 1.1 and so on.

            width  = 0.85*\textwidth,
            height = 8cm,
            major x tick style = transparent,
            bar width=14pt,
            ymajorgrids = true,
            ylabel = {$\{some}{ratio}$},
            ylabel style={align=center},
            xlabel = {some vlaues},
            x tick label style={font=\small,text width=1cm,align=center},
            symbolic x coords={set1,set2},
            nodes near coords,
            xtick = data,
            scaled y ticks = false,
            enlarge x limits=0.25,
            legend cell align=left,
            legend style={
                    anchor=south east,
                    column sep=1ex
                coordinates {(set1, 0.67) (set2, 0.89)};

                 coordinates {(set1, 0.61) (set2, 0.84)};

                 coordinates {(set1, 0.55) (set2, 0.77)};

                  coordinates {(set1, 0.48) (set2, 0.70)};

                  coordinates {(set1, 0.44) (set2, 0.62)};

                  coordinates {(set1, 0.39) (set2, 0.79)};


So the values in the \legend I want them for each set of data. Tried a couple of twists but not fruitful. enter image description hereThanks!

Best Answer

If you add point meta=explicit symbolic to the axis options, you can manually specify the labels texts for nodes near coords, using the syntax

\addplot coordinates {
   (x,y) [label text]

With legend columns=3, and the standard colors, because I didn't feel like defining five new colors:

enter image description here



            width  = 0.85*\textwidth,
            height = 8cm,
            major x tick style = transparent,
            bar width=14pt,
            ymajorgrids = true,
            ylabel = { some ratio },
            ylabel style={align=center},
            xlabel = {some vlaues},
            x tick label style={font=\small,text width=1cm,align=center},
            symbolic x coords={set1,set2},
            nodes near coords,
            point meta=explicit symbolic,
            xtick = data,
            scaled y ticks = false,
            enlarge x limits=0.25,
            legend cell align=left,
            legend style={
                    anchor=south east,
                    column sep=1ex
                coordinates {(set1, 0.67) [1.2] (set2, 0.89) [1.2]};

                 coordinates {(set1, 0.61) [1.1] (set2, 0.84) [1.1]};

                 coordinates {(set1, 0.55) [1.0] (set2, 0.77) [1.0]};

                  coordinates {(set1, 0.48) [0.9] (set2, 0.70) [0.9]};

                  coordinates {(set1, 0.44) [0.8] (set2, 0.62) [0.8]};

                  coordinates {(set1, 0.39) [0.7] (set2, 0.79) [0.7]};

