[Tex/LaTex] Apa style (biblatex) – Italics where there shouldn’t be any


I'm almost ready to turn in my master thesis, but there are some kinks I'm having trouble ironing out. For example, for some mysterious reason article titles are italicized in the bibliography, which is a violation of the APA style. As far as I understand, this should not be happening. A separate question is why my headings in a sans serif font instead of the default, but I've pretty much given up on figuring that one out. Please advise.


\documentclass[american, 12pt, a4paper,headsepline,headinclude,oneside,bibliography=totoc]{scrbook}
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}              % T1 fonts für gute pdf-Ausgabe
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}       % deutsche Umlaute, []
\usepackage[ngerman, USenglish]{babel}
\usepackage[backend=biber,style=apa,citestyle=authoryear, maxcitenames=3{biblatex}



Testing APA-style bibliography, citing \cite{rosenstock1974historical} and \cite{abras2004user}.


Resulting PDF

Best Answer

You have the following line in your code:


This says to make the titles of articles, unpublished things, and misc italics. (Independently you should not do it this way.)

You need to remove article from this command. But the proper way to do this is:


For the sake of completeness I'll add the part about sans serif headings (which is the KOMA default). Some of us here don't like this, and an option in homage of this fact has been included in the class to turn them off:


See also KOMA-Script: change font of sectioning headings to serif for more conventional ways.

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