TikZ-PGF Annotations – Annotate Math Equation with Text on Arrows


is there any particular way to get something similar to that in tikz with or without any packages?

Arrows around equation in order to annotate

Best Answer

This is a continuation of Fractal's nice answer the purpose of which is to make the formulae fit in the document without overlapping.

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah\dots
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture,cyan,>=stealth,shorten
 <=0.2ex,nodes={font=\tiny,align=left,inner ysep=1pt},<-]
  \draw ([xshift=-0.3ex]b.west|-x2) -- ++ (-1.5em,0) node[left] (l) {\textbf{Integral}};
  \draw (a.south) -- ++ (0,-1.5em) node[anchor=north west,align=left,xshift=-1.2ex]
    (u) {\textbf{Untergrenze}\\ Untere integrationsgrenze};
  \draw (b.north) -- ++ (0,1.5em) node[anchor=south west,align=left,xshift=-1.2ex]
    (o) {\textbf{Obergrenze}\\ Obere integrationsgrenze};
  \path (x1.north) ++ (0,1.5em) node[anchor=south west,xshift=-1.2ex] (il)
    {\textbf{Integrand}\\ Funktion \"uber die integriert werden soll};
  \draw (x1.north) |- ([xshift=0.3ex]il.south east);
  \path (d.south) ++ (0,-1.5em) node[anchor=north west] (diff)
  \draw (d.south) |- ([xshift=0.3ex]diff.south east);
  \draw ([xshift=0.3ex]x2.east) -- ++ (1.5em,0) node[right]  (r)
   {\textbf{Integrationsvariable}\\ Der Integrand wird \"uber $x$ integriert};
  \path let \p1=($(o.north)-(u.south)$),\p2=($(r.east)-(x2.east)$),
   \p3=($(a.west)-(l.west)$),\n1={\x2-\x3} in 
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah\dots

enter image description here

If you comment out \hspace{\tmphspace} you get

enter image description here