[Tex/LaTex] Arrow from last line of equation to the first


I would like to have something similar to the arrow in this picture:

Equation with arrow

Is this possible to include without a lot of coding? At the moment the code is:


& ^\text{1}\text{H} + {}^\text{1}\text{H}  \rightarrow {}^\text{2}\text{H} + \text{e}^+ + \nu \\
& ^\text{2}\text{H} + {}^\text{1}\text{H}  \rightarrow {}^\text{3}\text{He} + \gamma  \\
& ^\text{3}\text{He} + {}^\text{4}\text{He}  \rightarrow {}^\text{7}\text{Be} \\
& ^\text{7}\text{Be} + \text{p}  \rightarrow {}^\text{8}\text{B} + \gamma \\
& ^\text{8}\text{B}  \rightarrow {}^\text{8}\text{Be} + \nu + \text{e}^+ \\
& ^\text{8}\text{Be} \rightarrow \text{2}~ ^\text{4}\text{He}


I tried some stuff with a box but did not get any usable results.

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

A possible solution with the famous \tikzmark macro:


\tikz[overlay,remember picture, 
 baseline=-\the\dimexpr\fontdimen22\textfont2\relax]% correct vertical alignment:
% http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/59658/use-of-tikzpicture-matrix-in-align-or-gather-environment/59660#comment126261_59660
 \node (#1) {};%
\tikzset{square arrow/.style={to path={(\tikztostart)-- ++(-0.5,0) |- (\tikztotarget)}}}


\tikzmark{ini} & ^\text{1}\text{H} + {}^\text{1}\text{H}  \rightarrow {}^\text{2}\text{H} + \text{e}^+ + \nu \\
               & ^\text{2}\text{H} + {}^\text{1}\text{H}  \rightarrow {}^\text{3}\text{He} + \gamma  \\
               & ^\text{3}\text{He} + {}^\text{4}\text{He}  \rightarrow {}^\text{7}\text{Be} \\
               & ^\text{7}\text{Be} + \text{p}  \rightarrow {}^\text{8}\text{B} + \gamma \\
               & ^\text{8}\text{B}  \rightarrow {}^\text{8}\text{Be} + \nu + \text{e}^+ \\
\tikzmark{end} & ^\text{8}\text{Be} \rightarrow \text{2}~ ^\text{4}\text{He}
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\draw[-stealth,square arrow] (end) to (ini);


The result:

enter image description here

It requires two compilation runs.

To get an arrowhead matching with \rightarrow, it is possible to exploit the powerful arrows.meta library. Add


in the preamble and change:

\draw[-stealth,square arrow] (end) to (ini);


\draw[-{To[length=2.45pt]},square arrow] (end) to (ini);

The result will be:

enter image description here