[Tex/LaTex] Angled self referencing arrows in sequence diagram


I am adapting an example of a sequence diagram I took form texample.net.

Unfortunately I am having some difficulties.

How would I draw a self referencing arrow? I have attached a picture with a red arrow to symbolize what I am talking about.

How would I do that in Tex?enter image description here

Best Answer

Here now everything summed up as answer not as comment. Saw you got it with the relative coordinates.


For changing the arrowhead, you have to use


in your preamble. See the following code example for the most arrow types

\documentclass[border=5mm, tikz]{standalone}
% All arrows also possible with 'reversed'
 \foreach \x [count=\i] in {to,
                            to reversed,
                            triangle 90,
                            triangle 60,
                            triangle 45,
                            open triangle 90,
                            open triangle 60,
                            open triangle 45,
                            angle 90,
                            angle 60,
                            angle 45,
                            open diamond,
                            open square,
                            left to,
                            right to,
                            left hook,
                            right hook} {
  \draw [<->, >=\x] (0,-\i/2) -- ++(1,0) node (2.5,-\i/2) [anchor=west, align=left] () {\scriptsize{\x}};

 \foreach \x [count=\i] in {round cap,
                            butt cap,
                            triangle 90 cap,
                            triangle 90 cap reversed,
                            fast cap,
                            fast cap reversed} {
  \draw [<->, >=\x, line width=1ex] (4,-\i/2) -- ++(1,0) node (6.5,-\i/2) [anchor=west, align=left] () {\scriptsize{\x}};

TikZ Arrow Types


For setting labels on paths you can use the following code:

 \draw (0,0) -- (2,0) node [midway, rotate=45, above] {Text goes here};

For your code you have to look where you want to place your label and possibly adjust your path definition. Example code to fit your problem:

\documentclass[border=5mm, tikz]{standalone}
 \coordinate (start-coordinate) at (0,0);
 \draw [->] (start-coordinate) %
    --++ (1,0)   node [midway, above] {Text above} %
    --++ (0,-.6) node [midway, right] {Text right} %
    --++ (-.74,0) node [midway, below] {Text below};

enter image description here

Hope this answers your questions.

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