[Tex/LaTex] Connection handshake diagram with TikZ


I'm trying to get the following diagram on TikZ. However, I didn't find any package that is able to draw something similar. The most similar one I found was a sequence diagram using pgf-umlsd.


The following code is the best attempt to get the diagram. The problem is that I need the lines to be diagonals to show the delay in the connection.

How can I achieve this using TikZ?

\documentclass[tikz, border=2mm]{standalone}






enter image description here

Similar questions

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protocol message diagram – arrow colored has a similar solution using pgf-umlsd, but it has the same limitation of using only horizontal lines.

Best Answer

\mess command has an optional parameter which represent a delay (vertical separation) between tranmission and reception. You just need to use it:


An example using it and explanations about inserting comments and some other style changes can be found in Add bars and annotations when using pgf-umlsd


Although John Kormylo has been faster than me. I also think that sometimes i'is easier to draw it by hand instead of using pgf-umlsd.

\documentclass[tikz, border=5mm]{standalone}



commentl/.style={text width=3cm, align=right},
commentr/.style={commentl, align=left},]
\node[] (init) {\LARGE Initiator};
\node[right=1cm of init] (recv) {\LARGE Receiver};

\draw[->] ([yshift=-1.7cm]init.south) coordinate (fin1o) -- ([yshift=-.7cm]fin1o-|recv) coordinate (fin1e) node[pos=.3, above, sloped] {FIN};

\draw[->] ([yshift=-.3cm]fin1e) coordinate (ack1o) -- ([yshift=-.7cm]ack1o-|init) coordinate (ack1e) node[pos=.3, above, sloped] {ACK};

\draw[->] (ack1e-|recv) coordinate (fin2o) -- ([yshift=-.7cm]fin2o-|init) coordinate (fin2e) node[pos=.3, above, sloped] {FIN};

\draw[->] ([yshift=-.3cm]fin2e) coordinate (ack2o) -- ([yshift=-.7cm]ack2o-|recv) coordinate (ack2e) node[pos=.3, above, sloped] {ACK};

\draw[thick, shorten >=-1cm] (init) -- (init|-ack2e);
\draw[thick, shorten >=-1cm] (recv) -- (recv|-ack2e);

\draw[dotted] (recv.285)--([yshift=2mm]recv.285|-fin1e) coordinate[pos=.5] (aux1);

\draw[dotted] (init.255)--([yshift=2mm]init.255|-fin1o);

\draw[dotted] ([yshift=1mm]init.255|-fin2e) --([yshift=-5mm]init.255|-ack2e) coordinate (aux2);

\node[commentr, right =2mm of ack2e] {\textbf{CLOSED}};
\node[commentr, right =2mm of fin2o] {\textbf{LAST ACK}};
\node[below left = 0mm and 2mm of init.south, commentl]{\textbf{ESTABLISHED}\\[-1.5mm]{\itshape connection}};
\node[left = 2mm of fin1o.west, commentl]{{\itshape active close}\\[-1mm]\textbf{FIN\_WAIT\_1}};
\node[left = 2mm of ack1e.west, commentl]{\textbf{FIN\_WAIT\_2}};
\node[below left = -1mm and 2mm of fin2e.west, commentl]{\textbf{TIME\_WAIT}};
\node[below left = -1mm and 2mm of aux2-|init, commentl]{\textbf{CLOSED}};

\node[right = 2mm of recv|-aux1, commentr]{\textbf{ESTABLISHED}\\[-1.5mm]{\itshape connection}};
\node[right = 2mm of fin1e.west, commentr]{\textbf{CLOSE\_WAIT}\\[-1mm]{\itshape passive close}};


enter image description here