[Tex/LaTex] Allowed parameters to \addtobeamertemplate


Question: How do I get a complete list of the available arguments to \addtobeamertemplate?

Background: I want to modify the footline template in the Frankfurt theme. I found some sample code at How to insert page number in Beamer navigation symbols? that looks helpful:

\addtobeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}{%

Googling \addtobeamertemplate I see other arguments: frametitle, footline, title page. In the Beamer documentation I see frame begin and frame end (p. 63), headline (p. 64), and logo (p. 74).

How do I get a complete list of the available arguments to \addtobeamertemplate?

Best Answer

The beamer documentation's index has an entry for "Beamer template" that has a long sublist of entries. I'm assuming that's a complete list.