[Tex/LaTex] Aligning The Title, Autor, and Date in the header of a Beamer Poster

alignbeamerbeamerposterhorizontal alignmenttitles

I am using the beamer package and I have a title set at the top of the page, but I want to left align the title. So far I have this for the title portion:


\newlength{\sepwid} \newlength{\onecolwid} \newlength{\twocolwid}
\setlength{\paperwidth}{48in} \setlength{\paperheight}{36in}
\setlength{\sepwid}{0.02\paperwidth} \setlength{\onecolwid}{0.22\paperwidth}
\setlength{\twocolwid}{0.464\paperwidth} \setlength{\topmargin}{-0.5in}

  \title{\begin{flushleft} TITLE \end{flushleft}}
  \author{ \begin{flushleft}NAME\end{flushleft}  }
  \institute{ \begin{flushleft} INSTITUTE \end{flushleft} }

  \begin{document} %% \end{document}

This compiles fine but it displays the results as such and I cannot figure out how to fix it. Suggestions?
enter image description here

Best Answer

I assume you are using the confposter theme from http://www.njohnston.ca/2009/08/latex-poster-template/. If this is the case, simply redefine the headline template to use \raggedright instead of the default \centering

Original definition

    \usebeamercolor{title in headline}{\color{jblue}\Huge{\textbf{\inserttitle}}\\[0.5ex]}
    \usebeamercolor{author in headline}{\color{fg}\Large{\insertauthor}\\[1ex]}
    \usebeamercolor{institute in headline}{\color{fg}\large{\insertinstitute}\\[1ex]}

The complete example with the modification:


    \usebeamercolor{title in headline}{\color{jblue}\Huge{\textbf{\inserttitle}}\\[0.5ex]}
    \usebeamercolor{author in headline}{\color{fg}\Large{\insertauthor}\\[1ex]}
    \usebeamercolor{institute in headline}{\color{fg}\large{\insertinstitute}\\[1ex]}



The result:

enter image description here