[Tex/LaTex] Aligned circle around letter – tikz


I am using the following tikz-based command to create a circle around a letter.

        \node[shape=circle,draw,minimum size=4mm, inner sep=0pt] (char)

It works fine, but whenever I use multiple letters in the same line, they are not aligned.

circle not aligned

I guess it has something to do with the baseline, like the circle is created in reference to the center of mass. Notice that b and d are a bit higher than a and c. How could I fix that?


Following the advice I got from the comments (thank you all), I got the circles aligned to each other (which is what I wanted), but unfortunately not to the text:


I saw the other post proposing this propnode (the pink a), and I tried to shift it all over the place using the first argument, but it had no effect.

\pgfmathsetmacro{\nodebasesize}{1} % A node with a value of one will have this diameter
\newcommand{\propnode}[5]{% position, name, options, value, label
    \node[#3,minimum width=\minimalwidth*1cm,inner sep=\nodeinnersep*1cm,circle,draw] (#2) at (#1) {#5};

In fact, propnode is a bit too high and circled is a bit too low. This is the code which calls everything:


Best Answer

Here's an example using a strut:

        \node[shape=circle,draw,minimum size=4mm, inner sep=0pt] (char)


\foreach \myn [count=\myc] in {a,b,c,d,e,p,q}


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