[Tex/LaTex] Align bottom of table cell when table cell has height

tablesvertical alignment

I currently have at able whose row's height is set, so I can control it. This is what it looks like:

\begin{tabular}{ @{} p{1.60in} l @{} }
\hspace{-0.8in}\textbf{Fundacion Tecnologica Centroamericana} & \textbf{13/09/2012}\vspace{-0.06in} \\[0.3in]
\multicolumn{2}{ l }{\hspace{-0.8in}\textbf{Ciudad}\vspace{-0.07in}} \\
\multicolumn{2}{ l }{\hspace{-1.15in}\textbf{NIT}} \\

I used [] to set height. It works fine, but the row is of course taller than the text, this is what I want because as more text fills in I want it to go "up" in the cell, not push everything below it down.

So how do I tell it to vertically align bottom of the row for that row?

EDIT (Update):

Ok, this is what I have so far, I went with the tabularht from below. It works by allowing me to position absolutely everything, great! Problem is the part that I want is still filling downward, I need it to fill UP so that it stays where I put it at.

\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node [anchor=south] at ( $ (current page.center) + (-1.5cm,3.15cm) $ )
    \begin{tabularht}{3cm}{ @{} b{2.35in} @{} }
        \textbf{Fundacion Tecnologica centroamericana} \\[0.05in]\hline

\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node [anchor=south] at ( $ (current page.center) + (3cm,3cm) $ )
    \begin{tabularht}{3cm}{ @{} l @{} }

Here are the images to show you what I am doing:

enter image description here

enter image description here

See how it pushes down and overtop of the text below it. I need it to push up and keep at the nombre part. If for instance the nombre part is only two words and only needs the first line it should stay in line, but if it's 3 or 4 word's and pushes to a second line the other word's should push UP instead of down overtop of everything. Thanks for all the help.

Best Answer

I am not sure if I understand the question correctly. Perhaps what you want is that independently of the table contents, its bottom will always be in the same vertical position of the page. If this is the case, one possible solution would be to place the tabular material inside a TikZ \node placed at an absolute position on the page and using the proper anchor.

In the following example the tabular bottom will always be in the same vertical position (3cm above the y-coordinate of current page.center); the tabular was built using the tabularht package. If more rows are added, the bottom of the tabular will preserve its vertical position:


\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node [anchor=south] at ( $ (current page.center) + (0,3cm) $ )
\begin{tabularht}{3cm}{ @{} p{1.60in} l @{} }
\hspace{-0.8in}\textbf{Fundacion Tecnologica Centroamericana} & \textbf{13/09/2012}\vspace{-0.06in} \\[0.3in]
\multicolumn{2}{ l }{\hspace{-0.8in}\textbf{Ciudad}\vspace{-0.07in}} \\
\multicolumn{2}{ l }{\hspace{-1.15in}\textbf{NIT}} \\


After the edit to the original question, it seems that, after all. you can do without using tabular material; what you seem to need is some way to place elements at absolute positions of a page and in this case, you can use, for example, a simple TikZ approach (other packages would also perform the same task, but sice you are using TikZ already, I opted to use this approach); the key text width allows you to control the width of the node:



\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node [anchor=south west,text width=2.35in,align=left] at ( $ (current page.center) + (-3cm,3.15cm) $ )
        \textbf{Fundaci\'on Tecnol\'ogica Centroamericana}
\node [anchor=south] at ( $ (current page.center) + (4cm,3.15cm) $ )
\node [anchor=south west] at ( $ (current page.center) + (-3cm,2.65cm) $ )
\node [anchor=south west] at ( $ (current page.center) + (-3.5cm,2.15cm) $ )
\draw ( $ (current page.center) + (-3.5cm,2.05cm) $ ) -- +(8cm,0);


enter image description here