[Tex/LaTex] Top align cell in longtable with variable height

longtablevertical alignment

I have a longtable with two columns. The first I need to be top aligned, the second needs to be middle aligned. The text is populated by a script, so the height will vary (I'm writing a template, not a document per se). Anyway, the problem is that the first column is middle aligned instead of top aligned, and all the solutions I've found are for fixed height cells (as in the text is known).

Here is a MWE:


        {\footnotesize \begin{longtable}{p{5.6cm}m{11.5cm}}
            \textbf{Something} & Some other thing. \\
            \textbf{Something here} & Just one line. \\
            \textbf{Something larger goes here, so this actually occupies two lines} & Some multiline text \newline Some multiline text \newline Some multiline text \newline Some multiline text \\
            \textbf{This one is shorter} & Some multiline text \newline Some multiline text \newline Some multiline text \newline Some multiline text \\


And the result:

What I need is this:

Best Answer

enter image description here

Your first image shows the effect of column specifications p m the top line of each p-cell entry is placed on the (red) baseline of the row, and the vertical centre of the m-cell entries are placed on the baseline.

In the second image the top row of both left and right column entries are placed on the row baseline so to achieve that, use p for both columns.