[Tex/LaTex] algorithm2e labelformat and size of list of algorithms


I use algorithm2e to put algorithms in my documents, and I use \listofalgorithms to have a list of my algorithms in the table of contents but I noticed that their title size are a bit different: "List of algorithms" is a bit smaller. Is there a way to fixe this ?

My second problem is the labelformat that I use with varioref to insert alg. in front of the number of the algorithms that I cite (with vref command). It works with equation, figure, table, section… environments, but not with the algorithm environment. I don't understant why.

Here is my code:

\usepackage{hyperref}       %

\usepackage[lined,dotocloa,algochapter]{algorithm2e}    % 

\makeatletter       % 


\tableofcontents        % 

\listofalgorithms       % 


\Input{A bitmap $Im$ of size $w\times l$}
\Output{A partition of the bitmap}
\emph{special treatment of the first line}\;
\For{$i\leftarrow 2$ \KwTo $l$}{
\emph{special treatment of the first element of line $i$}\;
\For{$j\leftarrow 2$ \KwTo $w$}{\label{forins}
\Left$\leftarrow$ \FindCompress{$Im[i,j-1]$}\;
\Up$\leftarrow$ \FindCompress{$Im[i-1,]$}\;
\This$\leftarrow$ \FindCompress{$Im[i,j]$}\;
\If(\tcp*[h]{O(\Left,\This)==1}){\Left compatible with \This}{\label{lt}
\lIf{\Left $<$ \This}{\Union{\Left,\This}}\;
\If(\tcp*[f]{O(\Up,\This)==1}){\Up compatible with \This}{\label{ut}
\lIf{\Up $<$ \This}{\Union{\Up,\This}}\;
\tcp{\This is put under \Up to keep tree as flat as possible}\label{cmt}
\lElse{\Union{\This,\Up}}\tcp*[r]{\This linked to \Up}\label{lelse}
\lForEach{element $e$ of the line $i$}{\FindCompress{p}}
\caption{disjoint decomposition}\label{algo_disjdecomp}



Does anyone can help me ?

Best Answer

I don't see any difference in the List of Algorithms size and that of Contents - they're both set as a \chapter* and therefore should look the same.

In terms of the label reference, you're setting the \labelformat for a non-existent counter. In fact, algorithm2e uses the counter algocf rather than algorithm.

enter image description here







\chapter{First chapter}

  \Input{A bitmap $I$ of size $w \times l$}
  \Output{A partition of the bitmap}
  \emph{special treatment of the first line}\;
  \For{$i \leftarrow 2$ \KwTo $l$}{
    \emph{special treatment of the first element of line $i$}\;
    \For{$j \leftarrow 2$ \KwTo $w$}{\label{forins}
      $\Left \leftarrow \FindCompress{$I[i,j-1]$}$\;
      $\Up \leftarrow \FindCompress{$I[i-1,]$}$\;
      $\This \leftarrow \FindCompress{$I[i,j]$}$\;
      \If(\tcp*[h]{O(\Left,\This)==1}){\Left compatible with \This}{\label{lt}
        \lIf{$\Left < \This$}{$\Union{\Left,\This}$}
      \If(\tcp*[f]{O(\Up,\This)==1}){\Up compatible with \This}{\label{ut}
        \lIf{$\Up < \This$}{$\Union{\Up,\This}$}
        \tcp{\This is put under \Up to keep tree as flat as possible}\label{cmt}
        \lElse{$\Union{\This,\Up}$}\tcp*[r]{\This{} linked to \Up}\label{lelse}
    \lForEach{element $e$ of the line $i$}{\FindCompress{p}}
  \caption{disjoint decomposition}\label{algo_disjdecomp}



Since you are using hyperref, load it after varioref.