[Tex/LaTex] multiple algorithm2e algorithms in two column documents


I tried this example Place four algorithms (algorithm2e) in a subfigure and arrange them in two rows and two columns on two column documents. It doesn't work. The error message is

! LaTeX Error: [H] in two columns mode is not allowed for algorithms.

Is there anyway to go?

The code example is:


\KwData{this text}
\KwResult{how to write algorithm with \LaTeX2e }
\While{not at end of this document}{
read current\;
go to next section\;
current section becomes this one\;
go back to the beginning of current section\;

        \caption{How to write algorithms}
    \end{subfigure}% need this comment symbol to avoid overfull hbox
        \caption{How to write algorithms}
        \caption{How to write algorithms}
        \caption{How to write algorithms}
\caption{Main caption}


Best Answer

algorithm2e provides its own [H] float parameter, which sidesteps setting its contents as a float. However, in twocolumn mode, it produces an error. I'm not sure why. You can avoid this by setting \@latex@error to \@gobble temporarily. Using your example, I've added a \removelatexerror macro inside a \begingroup...\endgroup. More specifically, the definition


is placed inside a group, inside \myalgorithm:

\removelatexerror% Nullify \@latex@error

Also, since you're spreading the 4 algorithms across both columns, it's best to use figure* rather than figure:

enter image description here

Obviously you won't be using \myalgorithm in your actual document. You could just place \removelatexerror inside each of the subfigure environments.